If laughter is the best medicine, these two have found the key to immortality.
Knowing one half of a whole couple always makes me feel particularly aware of creating space so a shoot has an ease and authenticity felt by both the individual who I know well and for the one who I have only met / interacted with on occasion. My odd social idiosyncrasies need not have concerned me with these two. From the moment John pulled up in his concrete pump, the magic shared by these two is what I, what all photographers, dream of shooting. At times, I found myself just staring at their live-action love. Then, “oh yeah, I’m here to take photos,” pulled me back to reality. Click, click, click.

Allow me to elaborate with a little behind the scenes of what it is like traipsing around with me in tow. Instruction and coaching through prompts and verbal cues achieves that spontaneous yet intimate product candid to my brand. I get to say bazaar things like, “sit pretzeled around one another being cautious of the knapweed poking you … now John, take your right hand and move it through her hair slowly … no, no kissing, yet.” John, in response to these prompts, would inevitably ball up Hallee’s hair in a tangled knot and say something smart. When dancing on the hilltop, guess who twirled whom? Let’s just say John’s responses had me reconsidering the clarity of my communication. Hallee erupted in laughter, and her blue eyes, if possible, shined brighter and brighter. Although pretty far from the pose I had expected, the couple surprised me again and again and again by making their own images, their own shapes, together.
Congratulations to you, both. Thank you for allowing me to tag along with your wild, joyful, completely remarkable bond.
