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  • Writer's pictureBereza Photography

Adams Parenting 2.0 - Miss Kaylee Mae

When faced with an experience that scares a person to their core, most people choose to never walk that path again. One exceptional instance of this is when the Adams took on the challenge of Parenting 2.0. The Adams became first-time parents on May 6 when their little man arrived 5 weeks early weighing in at a wee little 5 pounds, 6 ounces. His first few weeks were challenging and scary. Rather than allow that experience diminish the dreams they had for their family, brave, courageous, and fearless Dad & Mom welcomed Miss Kaylee Mae into their lives January 20. Speaking from my entire life-experience of being a baby sister to a big brother, Kaylee has the best gig in the world. Just a few months old, she already has two veteran, seasoned parents. They know what’s up. Her whole world is shared by a little man who will be her confidant and witness her unapologetically growing into herself (even if little man is struggling to figure out where she fits into his world).

The Adams house is a little more colorful, educational cartoons play as a soundtrack, and Mom & Dad both have Parenting 2.0 down to an art - from the way they hold her, the way they swaddle her, and the way they balance the needs to both their babes. How often we all can let our lived experiences limit our futures! Looking at this expanded family, I see what can happen when hope overcomes fear.



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